Why Covid-19? What the world is messaging us.

20 January 2025, Monday









As the world begins a challenging exit from the Covid -19 tunnel – one question presents itself:

Why Covid-19? What is the world messaging us?

Messages always come to us after a significant event, but only once time has passed, and the red mist has settled.

Let’s speed this process up a little.

Here’re EIGHT perspectives to ponder.


#1: An opportunity to change our ways.

Robin Sharma summed it up wisely:

We are being asked by the world to shift from human doings to human beings again.


#2: An opportunity to care more.

Hendrik du Toit, CEO at Ninety One, described Covid-19 lockdown akin to:

Putting our world into an induced coma.

It’s as if our natural resources needed a period of intense rehabilitation.

A slowdown was needed.

Now our skies are clear – our oceans blue.

It’s an opportunity to end our war on our environment.


#3: An opportunity to find more balance.

Covid-19 crashed into our lives, sending us on an exponential digital learning curve, but are Zoom, Firefly and Microsoft really the answer?

The answer is NO.

The answer lies in finding more balance.

Less travel will be required, but as human emotional beings, we will always seek that ‘human touch’.

Our health, our wellbeing and our productivity demands human interaction and collaboration.

We will need to find more balance in everything we do.

Too much or too little of anything for too long – creates a state of imbalance.

Imbalance is what creates illness. Balance is what creates wellness.


#4: An opportunity to become more learnt.

With more time on our hands, we have found more time to invest in ourselves – invest in online learning.

It’s been a time to bolster ones skill set.

A time to become more learnt in one’s particular field of expertise  – to enable one to  impact more positively on our world.


#5: An opportunity to be grateful for the big and the small things in our lives.


Matthew McConaughey is his famous Oscar winning speech shared the following:

Gratitude reciprocates – it’s a scientific fact.

When one practices being grateful, opportunities come in abundance – regularly and effortlessly.

Covid-19 has taught us about the big and the small blessings in our lives – creating more time and space to invite more of what you really desire into your life.


#6: An opportunity to be more considerate of others.

Covid-19 has re-introduced us to common manners – asking us to be more considerate of others.

No longer can one simply climb aboard the big orange or green planes riddled with common flu.

No longer will one be allowed to sneeze, splutter and cough over ones fellow human beings in any common space.

Those days are gone.

Stay home. Work from home. Isolate.


#7: An opportunity to unite in common purpose.

It’s not often that the world comes together to declare an urgent common concern as more important than country differences.

There comes a time when we heed a certain call. When the world must come together as one. There are people dying. Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to life. The greatest gift of all : USA AFRICA lyrics.


#8: An opportunity to do life better.

Covid19 has made us all RETHINK, RE- IMAGINE & RE-BOOT.

It has given us the opportunity to GROW.

We were gifted the time to think about our priorities in life – and our health.

A time for introspection.

Can you now clearly articulate your Purpose, your Priorities and your Performance Goals for 2020 and beyond?

They may have changed dramatically.

New opportunities may have presented themselves.

Lots may have changed in your life for the better.

Thank you Covid-19 for messaging us.

Now, the world’s a better place……….

It would be great to get your personal perspective on Covid-19 ?

Email to : robopie@thegameplan.co.za

Go Great.


Please do share this article.


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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.


