Who’s THE SHEPHERD’S SHEPHERD. SA CEO’S in the spotlight.

11 February 2025, Tuesday

 ”Integrity must be the foundation of all competitiveness” : Jack Welch   


A fine line exists between ‘Growth Hungry’’ and ‘’Growth Greedy’’.

While Steinhoff shareholders brace themselves to find out the true extent of the accounting irregularities behind Steinhoff’s aggressive growth path, what is abundantly clear, is that SA CEO’s have the ability to create and destroy massive market value.

There can be no doubting that it’s lonely and tough at the top. Napoleon Hill was quoted as saying the ladder of success is never crowed at the top. There’s good reason for that, so the question that begs asking is:

Who’s the Shepherd’s Shepherd?

South African CEO’s have a preference to build powerful inner circles of trust, but this type of insular approach can bite back hard, as we have recently seen in both business – and in politics.

American CEO’s opt for a different approach,  preferring to take on support from the outside in the form of  performance coaches  –  none better than Anthony  Robbins, who has earned his reputation as ‘The CEO Whisperer ‘’.

When 90 % of a company’s wealth is at risk, it seems a no- brainer for CEO’s to invest in further supporting themselves.

It’s common practice in sport to take on a performance coach – when you’re No.1. in the world.

Human Greatness is

Sustained Success and Significance

– and that is where performance coaches play an ever increasing and important role.

While Steinhoff appears to have fallen into the ‘Growth Trap’ from an accounting perspective, the main challenges originate from a ‘Brand Values’’ perspective.

How closely are the CEO’s personal brand values (Purpose, Priorities and Performance Goals) aligned with that of the company brand – and what shareholders expect.

Brand values act as one’s compass in good times – and one’s scaffolding in challenging times.

Bill Gates is a fine example of the optimal alignment of personal and professional brand values.

His personal purpose: ‘to empower people to do more’, is closely mirrored by that of Microsoft – and his charity foundation.

The greater the alignment of brand values – the greater the chance is for sustained success and significance.

Famed American billionaire investor, Warren Buffet shares the following sage advice:

My Advice. Invest in yourself’

South Africa is blessed to have some of the greatest business CEO’s in the world.By taking a leaf out of the book of their American counterparts, let’s hope they will take it to the next level of great in 2018.

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Make 2018 Great

Rob Opie is Brand Strategist, Speaker, Author and Performance Coach to teams and individuals. For more insights and inspiration, visit www.thegameplan.co.za-  where you can also book Rob to talk to your team on his recently published book: THE GAME CHANGERS – how to achieve your greatest potential.


GET IN TOUCH : robopie@thegameplan.co.za