Turn adversity into your advantage

11 February 2025, Tuesday







 Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it a seed of equivalent benefit.”  Napoleon Hill


This week I took some time out to help a friend going through some testing adverse times.
No matter whom you are, no matter where you are – it will come to you as well.
No one is immune to adversity.
One only has to look at recent adverse times for great South Africans like Mark Lamberti and Jannie Mouton.
Adversity strikes every one of us at some point in our lives.
It tests one’s mettle in the impact zone.
And it’s how we handle adversity that becomes one of the major determinants of our future success and significance —and more importantly our happiness and health.

What to do when adversity strikes home?

Here’s THE GAME PLAN METHOD for anyone going through adverse times .

Step One: The Reality Check

Ask yourself: Where do I come from? Where am I now? Where do I want to be ?

Adopt the mindset of a victor. Any inclination towards victimhood will self sabotage any of your best made plans in life.

Step Two:   The Diagnostics

Be honest with yourself .Be prepared to make lifestyle changes. Adversity calls for change.  Take Heed. Stop doing the things that are NOT working for you. Start doing more of the things that are working for you.

Step Three: The Game Plan.

Power up your personal game plan. The power in your game plan comes from becoming crystal clear on the 3 P’s in your life – namely:

Purpose:  What am I great at? Why am I here? What am I here to do?

Priorities: Clear hierarchical priorities in life make life so much easier. Unclear priorities in life create fertile ground for adverse times.

What are your BIG FIVE priorities in life? Most people really struggle to articulate their big five priorities in life. No wonder  lives begin to cram up with things of lesser importance – or things that fuel adversity. Life can begin to resemble a roller – coaster ride if one does not pay attention to ones priorities.

Create balance in your life by clearly articulating your top five priorities, as balance is the key to happiness and health.

Performance Goals: Keep your current goals authentic, simple and closely aligned to your Purpose and Priorities.

There you have it in a nutshell – the recipe to bounce back far stronger and far wiser – knowing that stressings are often our greatest blessings.

Turn adversity into your advantage.

Adversity is the diamond dust that heaven polishes its jewels with. Thomas Carlyle

Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant. Horace, Roman poet


Rob Opie is Brand Strategist, Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to corporate teams and Life Coach to individuals. For more insights and inspiration, visit www.thegameplan.co.za-  where you can also book Rob to talk to your team on his recently published book: THE GAME CHANGERS – how to achieve your greatest potential.

GET IN TOUCH :robopie@thegameplan.co.za