Twice a year we are urged to reflect on our lives.
Each New Year we are encouraged to rethink where we are heading, kick bad habits and set straight our game plans.
The beginning of spring is usually the next time we find ourselves thinking about how we are living.
For some of us it means getting into shape and shedding kilos so that we can strut our stuff on the beach; others look at other aspects in their lives.
But, this year one thing is for sure.
Covid-19 has thrust health into pole position.
Strange, but true, there are many positives stemming from Covid-19.
The pharmaceutical companies have reported an exponential drop in their sale of seasonal flu medications.
The wearing of masks, staying at home, social distancing and more consideration for others – have all contributed to the normal winter flu season never happening.
With Covid-19 on the way out as our summer approaches,we are well positioned to take our health – and our lives – to the next level.
Here are the golden rules if you want to take full advantage right now.
They all centre on the universal principle of striving to live a life in balance – in that balance creates WELLNESS – and imbalance creates ILLNESS.
Too much or too little of anything – for too long – creates a state of imbalance.
Ready to spring clean your health, your life?
You can by creating more balance in all three realms of health and life.
#1: PHYSICAL (what we put into our bodies)
#2: CHEMICAL (what we put into our mouths and noses), and
#3: EMOTIONAL. (What we put into our heads)
They are all inter-linked, so you will have to find balance in all three realms together, if you want to see your health sky rocket this spring.
Howver, many of us fall into the ‘human trap‘ of unwittingly and/or habitually creating our own forms of imbalance in our lives.
Here are the most common human mistakes which we make – and we must avoid – to avoid the doctor’s rooms:
We do not get enough sleep or enough exercise.We entertain physical toxins – for example: ‘too much or too little’ sun.
Our diets get crammed full with acidic foodstuffs – and not enough alkaline foods to balance the ph levels in the diet equation. We further punish our bodies with the intake of too many chemical toxins – alcohol and cigarettes being the most common culprits.
We unwittingly hold onto highly toxic emotions, not knowing how dangerous this can be for our health and our lives. The prime culprits here are Resentment, Hate, Guilt, Criticism and Futility (Self-pity).Be aware as these ‘Big Five‘ toxic emotions can and will manifest in one or other of the serious life threatening forms of disease.
Empower your health or you will soon be told what organs to remove – or drugs to take: Dr John de Martini
The good news is that if you get anywhere close to optimum balance in all three universal realms of health and life, you’ll soon find yourself mastering your health – and mastering your life.
Com’on Summa……..
Go Great
PS: IF you would like a complimentary copy of my recently published eBook: NO HEALTH>NO WEALTH, please send me an email request.
Email to : robopie@thegameplan.co.za
Read more : www.thegameplan.co.za
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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.
His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.