Shaun Tomson and the power of “I Will” in life.

22 January 2025, Wednesday









While Elon Musk can be described as one of South Africa’s ‘greatest exports’, (read  BIZNEWS article from way back in Nov 2014), many more South Africans are  making their own champion impact felt all around the world.

One such person is 65 year old former World Surfing Champion, California-based Durbanite Shaun Tomson.

In a recent rewarding webinar with Alec Hogg on BIZNEWS, he shared invaluable insights from his surfing life, his business life and what he now terms the third wave of his life in serving others.

He ascribes his purpose to be:

Wanting to be better – wanting to help others to be better

Through sharing his life experiences via talks (virtual for now), and his book: THE CODE: The Power of ‘I Will’ – he is certainly doing great job in helping others.

Built around twelve ‘I Will’ promises that people make to themselves, ‘The Code’, is an effective tool to create a powerful, positive and purposeful attitude to navigate the uncertainty and turbulence of life.

From his life experiences he shares insights on you how to write your own code – how to ride the next wave in your own life.

I put Shaun’s ‘I Will” code to the test by combining it with the seven chapters in my recent book: CHAMPIONS DO MORE.

The result?


A Champion’s code to serve anyone wanting to do life better.

Here they are:

CHAPTER #1: GAME CHANGER ONE:  Mindset matters Most.
CODE:  “I will  be the VICTOR in my mind – never the VICTIM “
CHAPTER#2: GAME CHANGER TWO: Stepping inside Great.
CODE: “I will strive for SUCCESS & SIGNIFICANCE – and  sustain it.”
CHAPTER#3: GAME CHANGER THREE: Branding is Everything.           
CODE: “I will build a potent PERSONAL BRAND – and live it “
CHAPTER#4: GAME CHANGER FOUR:  Conquer. Don’t Fight.
CODE: “I will  come from a POSITION OF STRENGTH – through life long learning”
CHAPTER#5: GAME CHANGER FIVE:  The Power in the Peloton.
CODE: “I will leverage the power in TEAMWORK – by choosing my inner circle wisely”
CHAPTER#6: GAME CHANGER SIX:  No Health. No Wealth.
CODE: “I will strive for optimum LIFE BALANCE – in the Physical, Chemical & Emotional realms of life.”
CODE: “I will DICTATE MY OWN DESTINY – invest in self.”

The power of writing the power of affirming “I Will” helps one see beyond today and set a course for a better tomorrow. Shaun Tomson

Have a crack at writing your own personal code to ensure that you emerge stronger, wiser and more committed from our current adverse times.

It’s said that adversity is the training ground of champions.

No wonder we have many of them all around the world.

Thank you Shaun Tomson :

A Champion of life.

Go Great


PS: IF you would like a complimentary copy of my recently published eBook: CHAMPIONS DO MORE  please send me an email request.


Email to :

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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.