Powerful insights and inspiration from Cricket World Cup 2019.

26 January 2025, Sunday









Wow, Cricket World Cup 2019 has certainly delivered on some powerful insights, inspiration – and more……..

New talent has emerged, glittering careers have come to an abrupt end, the ordinary have been banished, the brave rewarded, characters built, good teams have become average, average teams have become great, grown men have come close to tears – and it’s far from over yet……..

It’s this dramatic nature of sport which makes us love the game so much.

Sport speeds it all up. It’s a microcosm of life.

But, what’s the real difference in England / Wales 2019?

Talent, Technique, Technology, Training and Teamwork have become table-stakes on the new world stage.

The cold reality is that:

Champions do more.

One has to do more to win – and win consistently on the world stage.

In my latest inspirational talk:  POWER UP YOUR GAME – from Good to Great to Greater , I share SEVEN powerful GAME- CHANGERS  from the World of the great Champions of business, sport and life.

These are the seven things one has to do, if one wants to win – and win consistently.

They are the game-changers which take champion teams to that next level of Performance,Growth and Contribution.

They are the game- changers which set the champion teams apart……….

  • Champions know that “Mindset matters most”

– Your best made plans will prove meaningless unless you have the right mindset.

  • Champions know what it takes to” Step inside Great’

– To be great, you have to know what great looks like – great sets the stretch, the commitment and the tone.

  • Champions know that “Branding is Everything”

– Branding is a champion’s compass in good times – and scaffolding in challenging times.

  • Champions know how to “Conquer – never Fight”

– Conquering means coming from a position of strength – never coming from a position of weakness.

  • Champions know that “The Power lies in the Peloton”

– They optimally manage their finite energy levels.

  • Champions  know “No Health means No Wealth”

– Physical, chemical and emotional energies either fill or drain the very same human energy well.

  • Champions know  “Culture eats strategy for breakfast “

– Consistent winning happens when you get the culture right.


The game at the very top level has become more and more about consistency, and it’s clear that:

Consistency demands more ………

Enjoy the rest of Cricket World Cup 2019…….

Go Great


Take your own team to that next level of Performance,Growth and Contribution ….

BOOK ROB TO TALK AT YOUR NEXT TEAM EVENT : robopie@thegameplan.co.za

We have  taylor-made packages to fit your needs, your wants and your budget.

You can find out more at : www.thegameplan.co.za.




Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Key-note Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to Teams and Life Coach to Individuals.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.

