Personal branding. The key ingredient of human greatness.

11 February 2025, Tuesday




Very few people get anything like their potential horsepower translated into their actual horsepower. Warren Buffet




Warren Buffet has got it spot on.

Potential exceeds realisation for most people, and Buffett believes that less than 5% of people realise anywhere near their full potential in life.

One of the primary reasons why people fail to unlock and unleash their full potential in life is that they pay scant attention to personal branding.

They either don’t see the reason as to why they must invest –or they do not know how to do it:

 My advice. Invest in yourself – Warren Buffett 

It’s human smart to invest wisely in personal branding, as it has a magical multiplier effect.

Get it right and HUMAN GREATNESS – defined as Sustained Success and Significance – awaits.

But, get it wrong and the road to human implosion opens up wide. And make no mistake even the very best of the best can and do get wrong at times.

One’s personal brand acts as one’s compass in good times – and ones scaffolding in bad times.

Here are the key personal  branding  insights from the great champions business, sport and life.

Here’s how they see it  :

Personal branding has three powerful P’s.

And they have a potent ice- berg effect.



What people see above the water is PERFORMANCE.

But, what people do not see below the water, are the two P’s that ignite human greatness :



At the base of the ice-berg lies PURPOSE.

When one’s passion meets the universe’s needs, one finds one’s higher purpose in life.

The two most important days in your life – are the day you are born and the day you figure out why – Mark Twain


And when passion is translated into purpose and someone shares the one thing that they are expert in  – themselves and their experiences – great vision and great value gets imparted.

Try to articulate your purpose in as few words as possible.

Here’s an example for cricketer A.B de Villiers, who continues to amaze the cricketing world with his cricketing genius:

To Entertain, Educate and Enrich people’s lives

They say that when one does what one loves, one never has to work another day in one’s life.

For A.B de Villiers it means so much more than just playing the game of cricket.


Closer to the surface and at the heart of the ice- berg lies PRIORTIES.


The most important thing I have learnt in life is to focus my energy on what is important in life – Bill Gates

Identifying and articulating what is important in your life is possibly the most important thing you will ever do.

That’s because one’s outer world will always be a reflection of one’s inner world.

If you ask most people to articulate the important things in their life – they will struggle.

Most people cannot list their top five priorities in life. And it’s little wonder that their energy is focused on things of  lesser importance.

Tell me your top five priorities in life – and I tell you were you are headed.

It is because we are all different that we are special, but definite and common priority patterns of human greatness do come into play.

Having explored and modeled what the great champions of life do and do not do, here are the key ingredients of a game plan that is made of the right stuff.

Priority # One: BRAND YOU. Place yourself first

Consider this inspired wisdom:

 The Great Champions of life recognize that self -interest is central to one’s human make up, but count the greatest gain as the goodwill of fellow humankind  Bob Bulford


There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living – Nelson Mandela

Placing yourself at No.1 is a hallmark of every great champion.

It builds FCB: Faith, Confidence and Belief – and ultimately allows one to make that significant difference in the lives of others.

Priority # Two: HIGHER PURPOSE

You are not here to merely make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision,with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.   – Woodrow Wilson

Priority # Three: FAMILY AND FRIENDS

Most people will naturally place this one at the very top of their priority list, but they are missing the key point in the game of life.

Of course,  they are of utmost importance , but wisdom tells us that one can only truly look after the best interests of others,  when one first and foremost builds oneself strong.

Priority # Four: HEALTH AND WEALTH

Invest wisely here, as both of these can easily be scuffed or lost.

Priority # Five: LIFESTYLE

Every one of us is different in the choice of our desired lifestyles, but it’s important to invest in the things  which make you happy and healthy.

And don’t take for granted the things closet to your heart.

The final ‘P’ is Performance:

Simplicity is the ultimate form of Sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci

 Setting goals that are closely aligned to your purpose and priorities will ensure focus.

Don’t set goals by what other people deem important.

Only you know what is best for you

Authenticity, Simplicity and Synchronicity count.

Ultimately it’s personal branding which creates the inner magic – which ignites the outer magic.

Richard Branson sums it up best:

Branding is Everything




Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Key Note Speaker, Author and aka ‘The Brand Coach’ to corporate teams,organizational teams, sports teams and individuals.

  • Rob’s latest book: The Game Changers: Good to Great to Greater is available FREE to readers as an instant digital download on his home page at :