How to bolster your own Health & Happiness in 2023

18 February 2025, Tuesday

‘People should pursue what they are passionate about . That will make them happier than pretty much anything else.’                                                                                                                                        Elon Musk



Every one of us has their own chosen path on which we travel in search of health and happiness.

But, what happens when we drift a little off our desired paths to health and happiness.

2022 was one of those years for many of us………

It is at times like these that it is best to take heed as to what the great champions of health and life do – and what they do not do.


Here are three sure fire ways to bolster your own health & happiness in 2023.


# 1: Ensure that your OWN GAME PLAN (Personal Brand) is CONGRUENT (that it is authentic & aligned)

This means ensuring that your 3P’s are congruent i.e. YOUR PERSONAL PURPOSE- YOUR PERSONAL PRIORITIES – AND YOUR PERSONAL GOALS for 2023.

Take Elon Musk as an example of human greatness.

His personal purpose is to “ELEVATE HUMANITY”- every day he goes out there to find out what is not working – and goes and fixes it. He is a great FIXER by heart and one of the most powerful humans on this planet earth.

Bill Gate’s purpose is to ‘EMPOWER PEOPLE TO DO MORE’ It is little wonder that he continues impacting at the top level via his foundation – which must give him immense pleasure via giving back to mankind.

Roger Federer’s purpose is to “Entertain, Educate and Enrich ” through his tennis genius. He must also feel great happiness when he plays charity matches and giving back through his foundation in Africa.

“The Great Champions of life recognize that self-interest is central to one’s human design, but count the greatest gain as the goodwill of fellow humankind.”

                                                                                                                                                              Bob Bulford

Once your purpose is finely tuned it is vital to choose your BIG FIVE PRIORITIES – and then set your BIG FIVE PERFORMANCE GOALS for each of your five top priorities.

Your focus – your congruency  -will go a long way to helping you to live life better .

‘You can only become accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love to do and do them so well that people cannot take their eyes off you.” “

                                                                                                                                                               Maya Angelou

“Purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, that we are needed, that we have something better ahead to work for. Purpose is what creates true happiness.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mark Zuckerberg


# 2: Focus and take full advantage of the most powerful positive human emotions in life.


“Human emotion is the ultimate resource – the ultimate force‘                                     

                                                                                                                                                    Anthony Robbins


The world is crammed full of both positives and negatives – that is just how it works – we live in a balanced universe.

The Big Five Negative emotions can be listed as follows – and include Resentment, Hate, Criticism, Guilt and Futility (self pity).

 Zero of these will help you on your path to health AND happiness, BUT the good news is that the Big Five POSITIVE EMOTIONS are far more powerful and will put you on your own path to health and happiness – that is if you keep your primary focus on them.

Here they are;

Gratitude, Unconditional Love, Acceptance. Forgiveness and Joy.

 Let us take gratitude as a human emotion with immense ability to create health & happiness.

’Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.

 It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity.

It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a

vision for tomorrow.’

                                                                                                                                                          Melody Beattie


To prove the power of gratitude and unconditional love we only have turn to our experts – our dogs.

Dogs are indeed man’s best friend as they teach us so much power in the emotional realm. Things that we as humans sometimes just take for granted.

Appreciate your dogs every day.

Jimmy Soul could have sung it a little differently:

If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life – get a dog.”


# 3: Adopt a VICTOR APPROACH to life – never victim.


It is not about being positive all day, every day. The world we live in is balanced; hence you will find positivity and negativity – polar opposites just like electricity. Oops maybe a bad example!

In reality it is all about is the choice you make between being VICTIM and VICTOR. There is NO middle ground on this choice in life.

Victimhood, currently presents itself with a very high prevalence in South Africa, and it also presents as a very powerful form of self sabotage.

Steer yourself well clear of any victim mindset – BECOME A VICTOR by adopting the right mindset, the right knowledge, the right support and right game plan.

This will increase your productivity – AND your health and your happiness.


Now we have come full circle back to ensuring ONE HAS A HIGH GAME PLAN – which is the key to your health and happiness – and that of all the great champions of life.

Remember, to add a bit of light- hearted laughter in South Africa – laughter at ourselves – this is what we have become pretty good at in Mzanzi!

It certainly helps to not take life too seriously.

Go Well in 23

This article is not health advice but simply suggestions on how to think about your health and happiness.


Get a copy of Rob’s book: PERSONAL BRANDING or a copy of his most recent EBook:  21 SPORTING STORIES – your free easy to read copy will be sent direct to your inbox. Simply send an email request to

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ENJOY-   your feedback is always appreciated and please do share with family and friends.

LAUNCHED in 2023

It is inherent to the human condition that we bond

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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Author, Keynote Speaker, Performance Coach to business and sports teams – and life coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

  • Through his game-changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD he helps both Teams and Individuals to achieve their own greatest potential in life.

For further Insights, Innovation and Inspiration, please visit




Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Author, Keynote Speaker, Performance Coach to business and sports teams – and life coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

  • Through his game-changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD he helps both Teams and Individuals to achieve their own greatest potential in life.

For further Insights, Innovation and Inspiration, please visit