Growing when the going gets tough

11 February 2025, Tuesday






Branding is everything – Richard Branson







Richard Branson  has got it spot on.

Branding acts a one’s compass in good times and one’s scaffolding in challenging times.

And there can be no doubting that companies operating in the 2016 South African economic environment are going to feel those very challenges.

The intensifying devaluation of the rand and devastating drought will see food prices exponentially rocket this year  as food companies have no alternative but to force through multiple price increases – which ultimately have a knock on effect on overall inflation.

And, it’s not just the food companies who will be at risk of negative growth volumes in 2016.

Companies who are importing will come under increased cash flow pressures , threatening their very existence .

It’s at times like these that branding comes to the fore – the resilience and power of both the corporate / organisational ‘T’ Team Brand and the individual ‘I’ Brands – within the team – those who make up the team.

Teams which have invested in their People and their Brands will be at a distinct advantage due to alignment.

As South Africans, we all know the  game changing power of the word known as ‘’ GEES’’.

It’s gone a long way to pull many Springbok teams back from the jaws of defeat.

Teams that win are those that want it more.

They optimize on given resources . They galvanize . They  stay hungry.

And it’s no different for any organisation – where it is more commonly referred to as  CULTURE.

In tough times culture eats strategy for breakfast, because it’s teams with ‘’GEES’   who galvanize as one –  and go out and execute flawlessly  against all the odds .

Great companies distil their culture to just one or two words owned by all their employees, like BELIEVE, like STAY HUNGRY, like THE DIFFERENCE.

Steve Jobs took the Apple Brand right to the very top with two cleverly chosen words:


The difference between good and great therefore  lies in  one word, namely  MINDSET.

It’s  what sets them apart in good and bad times .

Great Companies and Great Champions choose to deliver against all odds.

They see the greatest challenges as the greatest opportunities to shine – and to grow.

They see gaping gaps in turbulent markets, where they can grab onto –  and grow market share.

They buy in at rock bottom to unlock and unleash growth , when all others only see doom and gloom.

They turn adversity into advantage

And that’s a powerful way to view the world and life itself .



Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Key Note Speaker, Author and ‘The Brand Coach ’to organizational teams and individuals

  • inspiring and helping them to reach the Next Level of Growth, Performance and Contribution.

For further Insights, Innovation and Inspiration on how to ‘Unlock and unleash ‘ your inherent Brand value, please visit


Rob’s latest book: The Game Changers: Good to Great to Greater is available FREE to readers as an instant digital download on his site :