‘If you do not empower yourself, someone or something will overpower you’ : Dr. John de Martini
In 2016, with invaluable sponsorship support from Team Cell C, THE GAME PLAN launched an inspirational initiative to empower and help grow the future leaders of our great country :
Growing South Africans Great
Firsrt up we did a series of inspirational talks at leading SA Schools – as part of their life development programmes.
The overwhelming response we received led to the launch of my most recent book:
THE GAME CHANGERS – How to achieve your own greatest potential in life.
This was all followed up with an online development programme which we designed for My Players in 2017 – that’s the 984 professional rugby players in SA.
This year we have taken the next step and launched a dynamic new five week short course:
THE GAME CHANGERS – Powering up your Personal Brand,Powering up your game.
It kicks off this week : August 2018 – so you still have time to join for FREE :
Simply send us an email request to join : robopie@thegameplan.co.za.
The course is ‘ fun and easy’ – taking you inside the HIGH LEVEL GAME PLANS of the great champions of business, sport and life – revealing how PERSONAL BRANDING plays such an integral role in their professional and personal lives – their sustained success.
The course comes to you 100% FREE, thanks to Cell C in the continued interests of: ‘Growing South Africans Great’.
If you are interested and keen to join us on this five week journey from Good to Great to Greater –simply send me an email : robopie@thegameplan.co.za
This online course can be taken by Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere. There is no need to leave the office and disrupt busy work schedules . All it takes is 30 minutes reading and learning per week – anytime, anywhere, anyhow.
All you will need is a laptop or smart phone.
My Advice. Invest in yourself. Warren Buffett
The Game Changers presents that everyone, every team can find the key to real achievement in life. Finding real purpose need not be random. It is an awesome proposal and one that must be investigated by anyone who fears being ordinary – John Robbie
GET IN TOUCH: robopie@thegameplan.co.za
Rob Opie is Brand Strategist, Speaker, Author and leading Performance Coach. He empowers, inspires and helps both teams and individuals to achieve their own greatest potential in life.
For more insights and inspiration, visit www.thegameplan.co.za- where you can also book Rob to talk to your team on his recently published book: THE GAME CHANGERS – how to achieve your own greatest potential in life.
GET IN TOUCH :robopie@thegameplan.co.za