” André, be careful with your decisions. André, be careful with your words. André, be careful with your relationships. André, we must all live our lives carefully.” Nelson Mandela
Welcome back. Happy New Year. Here’s THE GAME PLAN’s first bit of inspiration for 2018.
Nelson Mandela’s chance meeting and wise words spoken to Andre Agassi resound. At age 25, Agassi was world number one, but by age 27, his professional and personal life had all but imploded – his world ranking slumping to 141.
Eighteen months later, Agassi reclaimed the No.1 ranking in the world, earning himself the nick name ‘The Come- Back Kid’.
Nelson Mandela was a genius at helping so many to :
re-set their moral compass
Recently asked what he would choose if he could bring something back to life, Agassi answered:
The spirit of Nelson Mandela– which seems to be extinct
From the challenges facing our universities, to our state owned enterprises, and recently through to the top echelons of corporate boardrooms in South Africa – we have been on the slide – for too long.
Cyril Ramaphosa’s greatest opportunity for BRAND SOUTH AFRICA to move forward is:
to re-set the moral compass – to set the tone right for the way things should be done
It’s time, but it’s a repositioning job that he cannot do alone.
We all need to show up for practice – and play our part.
Let’s hope all South Africans will re-unite behind Cyril Ramaphosa.
We could well see one of the biggest come backs since ” the Apollo 13”.
Halala Brand South Africa.
As Jack Welch once said:
Integrity must be the foundation for all competitiveness
Go Great
Rob Opie is Brand Strategist, Speaker, Author and Performance Coach to teams and individuals. For more insights and inspiration, visit www.thegameplan.co.za- where you can also book Rob to talk to your team on his recently published book: THE GAME CHANGERS – how to achieve your greatest potential.
GET IN TOUCH: robopie@thegameplan.co.za