AB de Villiers – it’s not all about talent

11 February 2025, Tuesday

Rob Opie is an expert on personal branding. He analyses how some of the world’s best sports celebrities have done far more than make the most of their physical talents. Best of all, he shares the lessons he has learnt about people like AB de Villiers, Tiger Woods and others so that we can reach our full potential – even though our plans may not be to become world-famous stars. Here he reflects on the performance of AB – Jackie Cameron.
By Rob Opie

AB de Villiers’ recent record-breaking 100 off just 31 balls at the Wanderers last Sunday, left most people without words to describe it. There was a certain air of belligerence about it, or was there? Let’s take a look inside his game plan, as he readies himself, and his team, to ‘step up to the plate’ in Australasia. Remember, South Africa has no great record at the Cricket World Cup. But things are surely about to change.
Is it just about raw talent, of which AB possesses plenty? No, not so. He is playing the game at a far greater level.

Churchill was famous for saying: ‘We make a living from what we get, but we make a life from what we give’.
Step across to America, and watch the woes of one of the most talented sporting superstars to have graced this planet, namely Tiger Woods. Woods is struggling to stay in the World’s top 50 ranked golfers, and that seems just crazy.

Injury after injury keeps him from doing what he should be doing. A similar scenario with Michael Clarke. Tiger’s recent loss of his ‘front teeth’, in a so-called accident, is a classic example. Sadly, Tiger has a game plan crammed full of ‘the wrong stuff.

His obsession with wanting ‘to become the best player that ever played the game’, is working against himself, as he can now only dream of hauling in Jack Nicklaus’s record major tally of 18. A few years back no one doubted that Tiger would haul in the record and go on to win many more. But sport, and especially golf, does not work like that! It has not happened.

Back here in South Africa we are privileged to see a master class unfolding. AB de Villiers’ game plan is certainly crammed full of ‘the right stuff’ .Yes, he also has personal and team goals like to become the world’s best player and for the Proteas to become World Champions, but those are ‘merely goals’.

His obsession is different from Tiger’s. It lies in ‘entertaining, educating and inspiring fellow South Africans. To be better at whatever one chooses to do and does in life. Encouraging others to make a positive significant difference to Brand South Africa.
And it’s funny how this universe works. The more one conspires to help others, the more the universe conspires to help you. That said, AB is more than about himself. He is the epitome of a team man.

A class act as his team mates would call it. He knows that greatness is never achieved alone.

#PROTEAFIRE. With new found resilience under a great leader, bring it home boys