A BLUEPRINT and some inspiration for our Proteas at Camp Skukuza

11 February 2025, Tuesday











Cricket SA has been through some turbulent times of late, but all is not lost.

They can draw some inspiration from our Springboks, who three years ago got crunched 57-0 by the All Blacks at the North Harbour Stadium. Remember that?

They bounced back to be decisive Rugby World Champions for the third time in November 2019.

Here’s a blueprint for any team or organisation wanting to bounce back from tough times.

A three step process, which takes a look at the BRAND behind the Proteas team.


Given the incredible cricketing talent we have in South Africa, a quick look at the Protea’s performance over the years, reveals under performance in all three formats of the game.

Except for a period at the helm of World Test Cricket, under Gary Kirsten’s guidance, something is obviously not right.

Our Springboks have won three World Cups to date.

Our Proteas have never progressed past a semi-final stage in the World Cup.

For reasons on the field of play – and off the field of play – the cold reality is that our team has been labelled as “Chokers “

Decisive change is required if we are to be World Champions.


It’s important to have a close look at what’s working for the team – and what is not working for team.

Brutal honesty is required at Skukuza on all matters.

You have to build on what is working for the team, whilst also ensuring that all constraints (bottlenecks) are removed.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


Every game has a winner – every winner has a game plan.

A high level GAME PLAN demands that three critical components ( The  3P’s of Branding ) are firmly put in place.


A team’s focus must be put on the bigger picture – their brand purpose.

For the BRAND PROTEAS, just like the Springboks, their purpose is to ENTERTAIN, EDUCATE AND ENRICH the nation.

Winning is the by- product of staying focused on their bigger picture – their PURPOSE.

It’s why the crowds pack into the stadiums – to be entertained, educated and enriched.

Losing on the other hand – or ‘choking’ for that matter – comes when one loses focus on the bigger picture.

As we have witnessed with our Proteas, the result is the loss of sponsors, the loss of spectators, the loss of key players – and the loss of the necessary finances to grow the game at grassroots levels.

Focusing on what is most important is the key to success.


Priority number one must be: BRAND PROTEAS –  live the brand– inspire the nation.

Ths comes from establishing the right brand identity and building the right culture.

It’s important to understand what under- pins the player’s chosen team culture – which will be seeded at Camp Skukuza.

The best team model I have witnessed in sport was under Richie McCaw’s leadership of a great All Black team:


It stands for “Pricks Do Not Last” .

Priority number two must be BRAND PURPOSE: To Entertain, Educate and Enrich the nation.

Priority number three should read PEOPLE & DEVELOPMENT.

The Springbok team has been able to move beyond the divisive form of transformation and team quotas.#STRONGERTOGETHER

Our black rugby players have become our national heroes.

When I think of anything we achieved as a team, there was always the bigger picture in mind: Makazole Mapimpi

Let’s hope we can see the same commitment, discipline and unity coming from all our cricketers – and cricket administrators alike.


Performance goals must be set in alignment with Purpose and Priorities, ensuring that the focus is put on the process – not the results.

The results will come for any team that has all its ducks in a row. (Excuse the pun)

Ensuring that these three high level components of their game plan are put in place – and that they are Authentic, Aligned and Actionable – will go a long way to helping our Protea’s to perform as a united team.


Go Great



PS: IF you would like a complimentary copy of my recently published eBook: CHAMPIONS DO MORE  please send me an email request.


Email to : robopie@thegameplan.co.za

Read more : www.thegameplan.co.za


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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Coach to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.


