Archive for December, 2021

The Protea’s “Peloton” is just too far gone for Quinton de Kock.

Posted on: December 31st, 2021 by Rob Opie No Comments

The word ” PELOTON ” is of French origin, meaning little ball or platoon.

In cycling, it refers to the main group of riders – riding in formation.

The purpose of the peloton is to create leverage –  to do more with less – hence creating what is effectively an ‘elastic band effect’, which saves the finite energy of the lead rider in the team.


By riding close and behind other riders (drafting, slipstreaming), the reduction in drag is dramatic.

The peloton travels as an integrated unit similar in some respects to birds flying in formation.

It is like an orchestra in virtuoso.

It is this“PELOTON EFFECT” which has been proven by sports scientists to be energy efficient

– with studies showing an energy conservation of up to 40%.

It works in all forms of sport and life as well.

Cricket is no exception.

But, when the ‘PELOTON EFFECT ‘simply does not exist – the very opposite actually occurs.

The energy loss in the team (and individuals) can be a staggering 40 %.

It is this staggering loss of energy that puts any team on the back foot from the outset.

No matter what smiles or brave faces the Proteas may try to put on after their “change room pep talks”– their peloton does not exist.

Destructed by continued chaotic and inconsistent boardroom decision making.

Interference from board level destructs all.

Over time an ongoing “bottle neck ” board constraint takes an exacting toll on all the players – and coaches.

It chokes one.

The result is the team become “The Losers” before the game even begins – no matter what team spirit the captain or coach tries to muster up.

Each and every player can only take so much before they make their own individual calls in sport & life.

Over a protracted period “Mental Exhaustion” comes dominantly into play – and ” Playing Form” evaporates – while hope diminishes.

Quinton de Kock is no exception as an exceptional player – and an exceptional human being.

He has watched for too long how the the Proteas are finding it near impossible to turn a ship with a broken rudder – a dysfunctional board.

With no peloton in CRICKET SA, and very little hope of things changing for the better,  Quinton de Kock in making his own “self preservation / family call” – has made the right move for now.

Sometimes the world’s best players take breaks though ‘forced’ injury – sometimes they take breaks through ‘forced’ circumstances  – often it is all for the best.

“I’m doing what my heart is telling me is best.” Quinton de Kock

Quinton de Kock, as one of South Africa’s most beloved cricketing sons, can always return, when things right themselves at the top of Cricket South Africa.

Sometimes, hope does spring.





It is inherent to the human condition that we bond

Rob’s interactive, insightful and inspiring BREAKFAST TALK : “Champions do More”– at your offices to get your TEAM back together and powered up for a great 2022. Contact Rob direct to find out more.

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If you would like a complimentary copy of any of my published eBooks – please CLICK HERE to read more and request your FREE copy.

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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Consultant to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.


Give yourself your own “BOOSTER” jab for 2022. Here’s how?

Posted on: December 23rd, 2021 by Rob Opie No Comments

There can be little doubting that the ongoing Covid pandemic has “EMOTIONALLY TAXED” each and every one of us – in some way or another.

An ongoing emotional tax, if not dealt with in the right way, will eventually turn into a direct taxation on your immune system.

No longer can we simply afford to outsource our health and happiness to the pharmaceutical companies only – in hoping that they will soon come up with an Omicron “booster”–   that will end the epidemic.

The reality is that Covid is not going away fast.

We must therefore do more for ourselves.

We have “gotta guard the door” to our very own health and happiness – especially when it comes down to the continued ” taxing ” we are seeing in the emotional realm. (What we feed into our minds)

Negative toxic emotions such as Resentment, Hate. Guilt, Criticism and Futility (Self Pity) held long term – can and will begin to play havoc with our immune systems – and significantly increase our health risks during a pandemic.

We must take control.

We must seek out our own set of positive “MINDSET BOOSTERS” for 2022 and beyond.

How to do this?  

Many of us have tragically lost family and friends to Covid – many have lost businesses, many have lost jobs, and many may have lost hope in our fragile daily lives.

This can easily result in a MINDSET SHIFT towards a feeling of victimhood.

This is the grave danger of any ongoing pandemic.

Victimhood is nothing less than a powerful form of self sabotage.

Only with the MINDSET OF A VICTOR, not victim, can one expect one’s best made plans for 2022 to come into fruition.

This is one of the most powerful universal principles of life and health.

If you ever get to that point when you feel that Covid is just too much – it is time to take control :

 “Control the Controllables”

Faith, Confidence and Belief play a massive role in maintaining a “MINDSET OF A VICTOR”.

Rest assured – there will come many exciting new opportunities in 2022 and beyond.

Just last week I got a call from a well known South African.

He has embarked on a unique new adventure on the other side of the world.

It is a challenging one, but that is what internally drives him.

He requested some help, and I could not jump quicker, to get involved with his new exciting challenge.

There is nothing better than keeping one’s mind pumped up on an exciting new adventure, expedition, experience.

It will be your “Booster” jab for 2022.

Please do go out there and find your very own “MIND BOOSTERS” for 2022.

You will be pleasantly surprised to find out how it will pump up your immune system – to empower YOU to handle any pandemic challenges.

Take control of your controllables.

Opportunity beckons.

Make 2022 count.

Happy New Year.



It’s inherent to the human condition that we bond

Rob’s interactive, insightful and inspiring BREAKFAST TALK : “Champions do More”– at your offices to get your TEAM back together and powered up for a great 2022. Contact Rob direct to find out more.

Email to :

If you would like a complimentary copy of any of my published eBooks – please CLICK HERE to read more and request your FREE copy.

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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Consultant to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.


Alignment, Balance are vital tools for riding the Covid waves with sustained success. Ask Elon Musk.

Posted on: December 3rd, 2021 by Rob Opie No Comments

Have you ever driven in a car that has taken a few too many pothole and pavement knocks?

With alignment and balance both out, the ride will never be a pleasant one.

Fortunately we have sophisticated engineering equipment to right this scenario.

But, what happens in real life when ones PERSONAL LIFE – PERSONAL BRAND – has taken on a few too many pandemic knocks?

South Africans are renowned for our very high levels of resilience and ability to always bounce back stronger, yet, many will admit that they are feeling the effects of “pandemic fatigue”.    

Investigation reveals that globally people have been able to ride the Covid waves in a very different way – driving what can be termed:

“Exponential Stories of Sustained Success & Significance”

Nobody more so than South African born – Elon Musk.

We could argue that during a pandemic – one has to be in the right place – in the right industry – at the right time.

However, further investigation reveals that the pandemic has created many exponential opportunities for those who position themselves right – those who engineer their PERSONAL BRANDS for:

“Performance, Growth and Contribution.”

Human greatness leaves footprints, and the study of all the great champions of life reveals that they share common traits as to how they go about keeping their professional and personal lives optimally aligned – and optimally balanced.

Let us take a closer look at the PERSONAL BRAND of ELON MUSK– knowing that a PERSONAL BRAND has two distinct building blocks, namely:   


Elon Musk has certainly had his outer image scrutinized by many, but little is understood about his inner identity – the inner part that fuels human greatness, defined as:

“Sustained Success and Significance.”


It is important to note that Elon Musk’s seemingly overnight success, has actually been a long time coming – the Tesla journey going way back to 2004 – whilst his Space X journey began way back in 2002.

It has been a while.

By taking heed of what the great champions do with “Alignment and Balance” – we can better engineer our own lives to do life better in 2022 – and beyond.

How ALIGNMENT plays a key role in driving human greatness?

Studies reveal that the great champions of life all engineer their lives:

Alignment means achieving a very high level of congruency between ones Purpose , ones Priorities and ones Performance goals – the 3 critical P’s of a high level personal brand .

Hence :

“The greater the level of congruency = the greater the level of Performance, Growth and Contribution .”

P # 1 is your PURPOSE:

Musk’s outlook on life reveals a man on an unrelenting mission –  he is constantly striving to find out what is going to affect mankind the most in the foreseeable future. His aim is to find out what is not working – and to fix it.

Elon Musk is a man inspired by his mega powerful purpose in life :


He needs near zero motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

His vast personal wealth is a great resource to have – but it has little to do with what internally drives him– as you will see with his priorities shared below.

P#2 is your PRIORITIES

Research shows the great champions set up their ‘BIG FIVE’ priorities in hierarchical order, whilst average people often find these difficult to articulate.

The priorities of the great champions of life, will commonly look like this:

Consider the following wisdom from Bob Bulford:

“Champions recognize that self-interest is central to one’s human design, but count the greatest gain as the goodwill of fellow humankind.” 

Through their relentless focus on their hierarchical priorities, the great champions empower themselves to do more.


Performance goals must be very closely aligned to Purpose & Priorities.

This ensures that they will be achieved.

The primary focus is placed on the process – not the results.

The focus and congruency of Elon Musk’s 3Ps is the key driver for his exponential ride of sustained success and significance.

How BALANCE plays a key role in driving human greatness?

The most powerful universal principle of balance reads as:

“Too much or too little of something for too long will create a state of imbalance (a state of disease called illness)as opposed to a state of balance (a state of ease called wellness). 

Most of us usually think of balance as in the form of work / life balance.

But, it is much more than just that.

Think of balance as creating and maintaining a state of ease – called WELLNESS.

We as human beings only have ONE ENERGY WELL – and it comes with three vital energy buckets.

At any given moment in our lives we are either filling or draining our own human energy well – via the three buckets.

It is our task to make sure that these three buckets are optimally managed – so that we have the optimal amount of energy to fulfill our purpose.

Here they are:

We are pretty good at this one. We know how much sleep, exercise, etc that we need and we usually find some form of optimal balance most of the time.

We are normally pretty good at this as well, as our bodies are quick to tell us what they do not like through our mouths.

If we habitually or unwittingly do not achieve an optimal acid/alkaline balance via the chemical bucket, we soon find ourselves in some kind of trouble.

This one presents a far greater challenge for us as human beings, and it is also the bucket which has come fiercely into play in driving “pandemic fatigue”- and numerous stress related illnesses indirectly linked to the pandemic.

We need to guard the door to our minds if we are to maintain balance via the emotional bucket.

There exists what can be called the “THE BIG FIVE”  negative human emotions, namely:


Most people have little or no idea how these five highly toxic emotions – if and when held long term – can and will self -sabotage ones best made plans for success and significance in life.

Fortunately, “THE BIG FIVE” positive human emotions are far far more powerful – and will emotionally empower YOU to drive your own Performance, Growth and Contribution in 2022.

They are;


Elon Musk knows this.

The great champions of life know this.

They play the game right.

They steer well clear of all the “pandemic potholes” – by optimally aligning and balancing their PERSONAL BRANDS at all times.

You could say:

“They MUSK it.”

GO GREAT in 2022


If you would like a complimentary copy of any of my published eBooks – including my eBook on PERSONAL BRANDING – please CLICK HERE to read more and request your FREE copy.

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Rob Opie is a Brand Strategist, Keynote Speaker, Author, Performance Consultant to Business & Sports Teams – and Life Coach to those on a journey to self-actualisation.

His game- changing THE GAME PLAN METHOD, is helping both teams and individuals throughout South Africa to achieve their greatest potential.