South Africa is renewing itself: Cyril Ramaphosa at The World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland: 2018
Not since the FIFA World Cup 2010 have South Africans ridden such a wave of realistic optimism.
Under the renewed leadership of Cyril Ramaphosa,and with a cabinet reshuffle coming soon, Team South Africa, stands on the threshold of a period of prosperity and unity.
It’s important that we as the players – ALL SOUTH AFRICANS – show up for practice.
Here’s a unique opportunity for your team, and the individuals within your team – to play their invaluable part within your own cabinet.
ROB OPIE’s inspirational 2018 BREAKFAST TALK is geared to inspire and assist corporate teams to reach that next level of Performance, Growth and Contribution.
How to unlock and unleash potential.

Rob’s talk takes you inside the game plans of the Great Champions of Business & Sport – taking you on an inspired journey from Good to Great to Greater. It shares in the firm belief that:
If you want to be the best- you must learn from the best
Through business and sporting stories, Rob shares what the great champions know, yet coaches seldom teach.
It’s the stuff of Champions, the stuff that you cannot Google, the stuff you will not find on the Internet, and the stuff they do not teach you at Harvard!
It’s the stuff that sets great teams – and great individuals within those teams – apart.
Every game has a winner. Every winner has a game plan.
Here’s more on our ‘Growing South Africans Great’ initiative, Rob’s talk and his latest book (which comes FREE to you via breakfast talks):

Our Growing South Africans Great initiative (kindly sponsored by Cell C) kicked off in 2016 with a series of inspired talks to matriculants at South Africa’s top ranked rugby schools. We followed this up in 2017 with an online Development Programme designed for My Players – that’s the 984 professional rugby players in South Africa.
This year our focus turns to corporate teams via inspiring BREAKFAST TALKS – helping both teams and individuals within those teams – to unlock and unleash their greatest potential.
Here’s more on Rob’s Breakfast Talk?
Rob shares ELEVEN of the most potent game- changers from the world of the great champions of business, sport and life:
Talent, Technique, Training, Technology and Teamwork can only take you so far in life…….
The great champions set themselves apart by doing more.They master life by embracing many of the universally powerful principles of life and health.
They put the power in their own hands.
Here’s a quick preview. Click on link below.
Game Changer No.1: Mindset matters most
Here’s more on Rob’s most recent book?
THE GAME CHANGERS: foreword by John Robbie
Achieve your own greatest potential in life

The Game Changers presents that everyone can find the key to real achievement in life. Finding real purpose need not be random. It is an awesome proposal and one that must be investigated by anyone who fears being ordinary – John Robbie : Radio and Television personality and host
Venue for talks ? The preferred choice is at your office to ensure minimum disruption of work hours in the morning commute.
Cost of Talks ?: R12000. Health breakfast costs are additional and dependent on number of delegates.
Books are FREE thanks to Cell C sponsorship
Winners are realistic optimists
Subscribe to Rob’s FREE weekly coaching newsletter >>
Here’s more about Rob Opie:

For more than two decades Rob Opie has explored HUMAN GREATNESS (and human implosion as well) in search of Insight. Innovation and Inspiration.
To date he has written five books on the subject.
Rob Opie (B.Business Science:University of Cape Town)is the founder of a specialist brand consultancy: THE GAME PLAN, a Brand Strategist, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and Performance/ Life Coach to both teams and individuals.
He helps teams and individuals to achieve their greatest potential in life.
A Corporate Entrepreneur at heart, Rob has worked extensively in the dynamic South African FMCG business environment – for both leading South African companies, and global companies – in both Brand Development and Sales Directorship roles.
Running in his blood as a Professional and Personal Performance Coach is branding and people – and helping both teams and individuals to reach the next level of Performance, Growth and Contribution.
What others are saying :
Life- Changing. Thank you for your great presentation and especially the perspective of what you present – I found it incredibly informative, thought provoking and refreshing – it’s a Game Changer not only for business but for life..!
Al Karacki. Bizmix Network. 93.8 FM
Well done Rob ! An inspirational experience. Please keep doing what you’re doing for Brand South Africa – your ‘Growing South Africans Great’ initiative is what we need more of as a nation .
Gary Player
Just a short note to thank you for sharing your vision in leadership with our group at our annual conference. It is not often that I see 100 of our execs sitting on the edge of their chair and ‘soaking it in’ as they did in your presentation. You stepped up our conference title from ‘Good to Great’ and made it ‘Great to Incredible.’ Game Plan, Set & Match! Much appreciated Rob and my sincere thanks once again,
Gavin Varejes: Executive Chairman. Richmark Holdings
Thanks for sharing game changing insights, innovation and inspiration .You have a unique talent when it comes to deconstructing complexity, and opening up the road to individual and team greatness .
Clinton Irwin. Bata SA : Group Operations Manager
Thank you for sharing such powerful insights in our professional and personal lives. 110 ladies went home with new thinking on how to reach that next level up in their lives . #UPYOURGAME.
Tina Cartwright. KZN Woman in Business: Chairperson
I have worked with many coaches and leaders at international level ,and Rob has by far championed our destiny to a higher level .
Luisette Mullin. Executive Head D.A.V
Well done Rob . You have an unique ability to deconstruct complexity, and unravel daily constraints in people’s professional and personal lives . Inspired to live !
Gavin Baudinet. Managing Director. AEI Group
Thanks for much for taking time out to chat to the lads.Your insights were relevant, informative, inspiring and perfectly pitched to our young athletes.We would welcome you back any time.Kind regards
Graham Bennetts.Deputy Head. Maritzburg College